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Superlab Ipl Script



  • You can use the superlab in Sandy Shores or Los Santos, or just use the Laundry for a 100% legal activity.
  • The superlab can also be used only via teleportation (instance). In this case, we provide an IPL under the map.

This script can be deactivated, in which case everything will be loaded by default.

Configuring IPL

To configure the IPLs, go to cfx_gn_superlab_ipl_script/config.lua

-> Set the values to true or false to activate or deactivate the superlabs depending on the locations.

LosSantos_lab = true
SandyShores_lab = true
UndergroundTP_lab = true
Entityset Int SmallLaundry OnlySuperlab with LaundrySuperlab Only
Los Santos
Sandy Shores
Map Underground